Monday, June 2, 2008

Cymax Brings You Something for the Moon Day Blues

The origin of the word “Monday” revolves around the moon and her cycles. It’s Monday today, hence the crash course, and philosophical meanderings, on moon phases.

Tomorrow is a new moon, invisible to the eye, much to the dismay of those of us who are romantic moon gazers. But the new moon phase is essential. It is a time for new beginnings. It is a time of hope, growth, and renewal; a good time to make life changes and to focus on new energies, to end certain life stages in order to begin healthy ones – ones that involve opportunities for healing.

I am a moon gazer; I take comfort in the fact that I can look up at the sky and know that, regardless of how visible, the moon will always be there. And though I appreciate the apparent good that comes with a new moon, I will be the first to admit that I really miss her when I can’t see her.

But a new moon brings a narrow crescent, and the moon will continue through a waxing phase, and then again through several more stages leading to a full moon. Some people have reservations about a full moon – a full moon has generated many myths, which include everything from werewolves to disasters, but I love it. There is a magical feel to a full moon, and I always look forward to this phase, not only because of the power of secrets and mysteries that she brings, but because she shows her entire face. She’s right there, and as I gaze up in wonder, she stares back at me in her full splendor.

We still have a good two weeks before the summer solstice, just days after the approaching full moon. Summer is coming – and not a moment too soon – but moon gazing can be a chilly endeavor. Living on the West Coast, I never know what kind of weather I’m in for, so I always feel that I best to be prepared for warmth. Even in my state of daydreaming (or night dreaming, as the case is), I get pretty cold out there on my deck.

If you are a moon gazer, a star watcher, or a planet connoisseur, you will agree that the ambience that surrounds you is an important factor in being able to seek what you are looking for, hundreds of thousands of miles away. Cymax makes your hobby a little easier for you. With a click of the mouse, you can shop online for the essentials.

Cymax has new products that we’re excited to offer you, and with the convenience of online shopping, we can get you out of your house and outdoors so quickly, you won’t miss a thing. We have fire pits designed with both good looks and for giving off the heat you need to stay comfortable as you are moon gazing. The fire pits have a rustic charm about them that fits in with getting in touch with your basics. Patio heaters are also a great investment, if you are like me and want to prolong the time you spend outside, face turned to the sky.

Staring at the sky, although worth every minute, can be a strain on the neck and back. Our Oxford Garden rocking chairs allow you ultimate comfort and an opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere with an easy tilt as you recline in the chair. The gentle sway of a rocking chair is a natural remedy for the stresses of every day life. And who doesn’t have stress?

On days where the moon is easy to find, we have binoculars that will make your moon gazing all the more better so you can see her intricate details. For the days when the moon hides her face, Cymax has telescopes to help with your search. However, there are just some days where you won’t find her, days where she won’t be visible at all. But similar to what comes along with the new moon, there is always room for hope: You may have to be patient, but she will always be out there… somewhere.

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