I took a trip back home last month to help my sister sort through what my father would and would not take with him when he moved into a smaller place, after selling the house. Since my mother was quite a collector of furniture, china and other curiosities, my father didn't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. So, my sister and I decided to call in an antiques and collectibles appraiser for a consultation to help us separate good stuff from garage sale stuff. Before the appraiser was to arrive, my father asked if we planned to show him the vanity.

Made of walnut, it had a drop front with a full length mirror in the center. The mirror had an arched top; the drawers on either side had delicate bail handles; but the thing that fascinated me the most about the vanity was the two, freestanding barley twist oval side mirrors. Intended to stand on either side of the center mirror, they could be moved around into a "tri-fold" position so that a person sitting at the vanity could see the back of their hair. Tucking conveniently underneath the middle section, a square vanity bench with a cane seat completed the look.
We had swung it around and pushed it up against the foot of the bed. Even still, there was barely enough room to move around. But, after the appraiser had left, I didn't have the heart to push this beautiful piece of furniture back into the closet. The next morning, I found myself carefully perched on the cane vanity bench applying face cream, brushing my hair and taking time to just admire the vanity…okay I'll admit it, admire myself in the mirror. Completely seduced, I gave in to the vanity's charms and arranged my small collection of beauty products on its two tabletops.

The whole experience has me reassessing my opinion of this "vain" piece of furniture. I am seriously considering purchasing one: sitting at my mother's dressing table getting ready for the day gave me a feeling of confidence that perched on the edge of the mattress leaning into the dresser mirror while applying lipstick did not. And, since it seems that they like primping too, maybe I should get a cat to match my new bedroom vanity.
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