Thursday, October 16, 2008

1095 Days

All of us mark anniversaries in our lives, even if nothing more than our birthdays. Many of us fortunate somewhat-older folk have wedding anniversaries to celebrate, while others older-yet and supremely fortunate have both weddings and retirements to commemorate each year with loved ones and friends. Dates in our lives that have a significance worthy of recollection can be welcome and anticipated, or draw near with an apprehension that is commonly attached to birthdays as we pass into our transitional '30s.

The truth is, we all have the freedom to attach such significance to any event in our lives, independent of traditional conventions. Although it would probably be classified as more of a remembrance than an anniversary, every October 9th for the past 9 years I take a moment after I wake to mark the day our beloved family dog passed on after 16 wonderful years with us. Maybe it's a bit of both as I always make a point of searching my memories for good times with "the pooch" as I called her, and celebrate her life for a short time all to myself.

I think keeping a mental record of moments in your life that have personal significance is a small yet powerful tool in relishing the course of your life to date. Whether they be fond memories, or not, or a bit of both - they're yours and yours alone and to mark them in whatever fashion you choose can be a rewarding experience.

Surely we can all agree that the best anniversaries are those that arrive with the promise of many more. This is the type of rewarding and promising feeling is currently being experienced here at Cymax Stores, as this past month marks three years in which Cymax has offered its competitively-priced online shopping convenience to Canadian shoppers and the company is very proud of the accomplishment. started operations in early 2006 before evolving into, with online sales to Canada ever since. Monthly sales have grown in leaps and bounds, doubling in 2007 and tripling so far in 2008. The size of catalog has increased as well, now offering bedroom furniture, outdoor furniture, children's furniture, fireplaces, and much more. No hockey gear or maple syrup yet, but stayed tuned as Cymax has every intention of being here this same time next year with more to celebrate and be proud of regarding serving our valuable Canadian customers.

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