Thursday, November 6, 2008

Father Time

Making a grandfather clock and its powerful character a part of your home has never been easier now that you can visit with the convenience of online shopping. Depending on your tastes, you will either be pleased to find a large selection of traditional grandfather clocks, contemporary grandfather clocks and even some modern grandfather clocks. Whichever style is most to your liking, you can be sure that the chime of each hour and the notes that announce noon each day will be a source of charm as they ring through the home. Before jumping over there, take a moment to ponder the following prophetic adage:

“Time waits for no man.”

We’ve all heard it before, and as much as it rings true for all of us – are we to interpret that ole Father Time is more accommodating of women? Is there a function on that hourglass that pauses the shifting sands for the fairer sex?

We live in a modern world where being PC dictates gender exclusivity in general terms is not as welcome as it once was. There are many examples of gender-specific references in a host of old proverbs, however, that are so very old and entrenched that none are inclined to question them. “Father” Time and “Mother” Nature are arguably two of the most prominent of them, and they are an interesting example as apparently they were mythological husband and wife.

I can understand the inference – the giving and benevolent mother with the more stern and realist father always reminding you you’re not getting any younger and “Carpe Diem.” Perhaps it was the law of opposites attract that led to their union. Some suggest the old man moonlighted as the Grim Reaper, calling on those for whom the entirety of sand had come to rest in the bottom of the glass. In fact, many ancient and some more recent images of Father Time show him with the scythe that is the Reaper’s trademark.

Perhaps it’s from this unanimity of perspective that no one has ever taken issue with grandfather clock not having a better half, as it would be a legitimate and challenging question for an inquisitive child to pose to his or her parents. Maybe each and every one of them is inherently a widower. Surmise what you will, but it’s a fact that no timepiece has the same weight of character as a grandfather clock They have a presence about them that suggests both refined living and a permanence that has come to understand that the minutes will always become hours, just as the hours become days.

This presence is most commonly deemed to be best suited to an entryway or living area. Other options abound – a grandfather clock standing alone at the end of a hallway makes a classically emphatic statement, for example. No matter where it may be located, a grandfather clock has elements to it that no other timepiece can match. Combine this with the fact that, as mentioned, grandfather clocks are manufactured in an increasing array of design styles and there’s all the more reason to consider adding one to your home.

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