It’s commonly understood that post-retirement to the twilight of our lives is the period referred to as the “golden years.” ChildrensFurnitureSelect.com confirms my belief that the dawn of life to pre-school years are just as golden in their own right. Think about it; the freedom to wake and sleep as you please, with little more than eating and playful discovery in between and having your every need catered to in its entirety.
Sounds golden to me.
The truth is every child deserves to have this period of safe, carefree existence before they move on to a twilight in its own sense when they reach those pre-teen years. This marvelous simplicity of life is one we all look back on with fondness and, for most of us, a sense of wistful longing once it has past. The Easter Bunny’s yearly global marathon, the Tooth Fairy’s ceaselessly hectic schedule, and so on and so forth – the innocence of youth has a beauty that is sure to withstand the ages.
Now as much as that famous rabbit has a lot on his plate every March, it’s nothing compared to what Santa Claus accomplishes every December 24th. All those chocolate eggs don’t even compare to the bulk with which the big man loads his sleigh on that eagerly anticipated evening. That being understood, he does appreciate getting started early and the convenience of online shopping means you can pair your little ones’ formative years with competitively priced children’s products at Children’s Furniture Select.
A dollhouse has a universal appeal for any young girl, and the extent to which these long-time staples of female youth have come of age is quite remarkable. The KidKraft Interactive Dollhouse is like none you’ve ever seen before, as it features a working elevator, on / off lit chandeliers, a playing piano and a kitchen from which drifts the sounds of a meal being prepared. The KidKraft Savannah Dollhouse has all the genteel Southern elegance its name suggests, and they invite you for a tour of the mansion right here!
KidKraft take great pride in producing quality products that will stand up to children’s rambunctious curiosity in the world around them, and they're being recognized with the 2008 Gold Award from National Parenting Publications Awards for its Pink Retro Kitchen and Refrigerator confirms this. This kitchen set is a durable and stylish choice for kids that has been so well received it has been nearly impossible to keep them in stock.
In addition, what little one wouldn’t gush over receiving the KidKraft Firefighter Bedroom Furniture Set, though be forewarned you may be turning down his request for a fire hall pole in your foyer in the near future. Similarly, a KidKraft Deluxe Garage Set will be enthusiastically received by any child, future automotive enthusiast or otherwise.
Cymax Stores is pleased to announce that these products and more will be offered at significant discounts for the holiday season with our sales promotion at Children’s Furniture Select between Nov.28th and Dec.14th. Be sure to visit and see what catches your eye as something your precious youngster would be thrilled to find on Christmas morning.
It’s the moments of these golden years that are integral to child and parent alike – make the most of them.
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