Monday, December 8, 2008

Holiday Specials

Christmas is the one time of the year when holiday enthusiasts, children in particular, can look forward to TV broadcasts of the same classics they saw at this time last year. A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer, among others, have stood the test of time in much the same way many of the coat rack designs features at have remained a staple of entryways over many, many years.

I was one such enthralled youngster, but the years have dulled my memories of these specials considerably. I only remember smaller parts; the Abominable Snowman being a misjudged antagonist wrongly cast for doing nothing more than being as fearsome as clay would allow, or the Grinch’s pillage of Whoville on his suped-up sleigh knockoff. When I think of Charlie Brown, I automatically picture Charlie flying through the air unceremoniously after another field goal is thwarted by Lucy preemptively pulling the pigskin away, and that has nothing to do with Xmas.

A coat rack has always had something of the identity of a welcome salvation post when coming in from the bitter December cold. You know, the individual sighing in the warmth of the home as he or she hangs their coat and scarf before proceeding to doff snow encrusted footwear. Further, it wasn’t exclusive to benevolent types like Jimmy Stewart in It’s a Wonderful Life, even that ne’er do well Grinch was seen to discard his toque and scarf upon the only fixture that decorated his snowy foyer – a coat rack that was much the animated version of a Powell Nostalgic Oak Twist Coat Rack which just might be a similarly stylish choice for yours.

Santa had a resignedly down look on his face as he plunked his classic long toque atop a claymation version of a Safco Cherry Wood Costumer all those Christmases ago in 1962. It was just before he was to break the news that Christmas was to be cancelled, before a certain red lightbulb-nosed reindeer came to save the best day of the year. I seem to remember Linus following Charlie’s lead after coming in from the cold, yet pausing for a second before thinking better of hanging his beloved blanket on a Home Star Manhattan Coat Rack.

For whatever reason, a coat rack or hall tree always seemed to play a subliminally-relevant role in these Christmas specials, usually being the only fixture of notice in otherwise non-descript entryways to the home. Perhaps they were meant to signify the value and warmly welcoming role of the home during the holidays and the respite it provided. The transition point where one came in from the cold, shedding layers in the presence of both literal warmth and that more figurative offered by family / loved ones.

Whether or not a coat rack could ever have such an identity in your home over the Yuletide season, it almost certainly will be an appreciated and tidy convenience with the inevitable influx of guests to your home. Rather than their coats being draped over the banister post at the foot of your stairs, they’ll hang charismatically from an attractive and tall coat rack.

And be nice to that shaggy white-haired “Abominable” Snowman outside lurking amidst the snow drifts, he may prove invaluable before long in the days leading up to Dec. 25th.

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