The question that gave him such fits arriving en masse? “How do you get in through our fireplace when there’s no chimney to the roof?”
“Jolly” Old St. Nick wasn’t so jolly at this particular moment. “Gosh darn it,” he thought, “Why can’t parents just amend the tale a little, make up something, ANYTHING! Does anyone think I enjoy behaving like a common thief wedging my ample midsection through windows, picking locks and more?” He grumpily rebuked an elf who’s anxious knock at the door annoyed him at just the wrong moment.
Sure, the shift to multiple family dwellings, “condo life” as it were, was predicted years ago but maybe he hadn’t paid enough heed to the warnings. He’d assumed, perhaps foolishly, there would still be chimneys to slide on down the way there had been for decades upon decades. However impractical those traditional fireplaces might have been in modern city homes, it would have been nice if they’d even considered just how set in his ways old Santa was. But no, everybody had to embrace the electric fireplace and as much as he disliked the fact, truth was he couldn’t blame them as the warmth and charismatic presence of those simulate fires just made so much darn sense.
Suzie from
Quentin from
Sara from
Ole Saint Nick leaned back again and lit his pipe, resolving to get his PR department to put a spin on this without delay. He picked up a remote on his desk and pointed it to the wall. A Southern Enterprises Whiteman Mahogany Fireplace roared to life and warmth instantly flooded the room.
“If you can’t beat ‘em” Santa muttered quietly to himself.
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