I’ve often mused, however far-fetched it may be, as to whether teleportation could one day be realized as a practical means of transportation. As to whether the ability to synthesize animate and inanimate molecules into a portable form of energy that can be re-constituted upon arrival is even physically possible is a question unlikely to be answered in our lifetimes. However, one can’t help but ponder how great it would be. We here at Cymax are as in the dark as the rest of you as to how it would come to be, but we can offer you as close a form of near-instant arrival when it comes to your home product purchases here at www.cymaxstores.com.
“Beam me up, Scotty.”
The wonder with which I watched the crew of the Starship Enterprise zap themselves to and from the ship in seconds created an intrigue in me as a youth that persists to this day. While I realize our current human understanding of molecular transformation is surely light years from the advent of teleportation technology, imagine the benefit of being able to traverse the globe (or beyond) in seconds with yourself and / or any items. We could revel in the demise of the oil-dependent nature of our world and the positive social and environmental change that would result. Those filthy and repulsive freight trucks would become scrap and the jetliners that few if any can afford to fly with these days would be instantly obsolete. Mother Nature would be grinning from ear to ear.
Not only would international travel become a breeze entirely void of jet-lag, but families would be kept closer and the extent to which developed nations could extend aid to areas of need in the world would be furthered immeasurably. You could live quietly and comfortably in any area of the country you wish yet work in the corporate world of any big city in the world. Your “commute” would be a matter of seconds, and the benefits to international and domestic commerce would be beyond our comprehension.
What’s more, companies such as ours would be able to offer you nearly instantaneous delivery of your purchases. Imagine something along the lines of “Thank you very much for shopping with Cymax Stores – your bedroom set will be available for pick-up at your neighborhood teleport station within the next 10 minutes.” Talk about instant gratification. Wish to return your purchase for a refund or replacement? Zap it back to us at your convenience!
Rest assured we’ll be all over teleportation like Shawne Merriman on a quarterback if it should ever be made available, but until then Cymax is pleased to announce Home Direct Expedited White Glove Delivery with transit times as fast as seven business days and a money-back guarantee if the specified time period for the end destination is not met. Available on selected products featured at Cymax Stores, Expedited White Glove is the way to go if you’re all too anxious to receive your purchase and incorporate it into your home.
Some levels of white glove delivery include the purchase being delivered into your home, unpacking and assembly and removal of debris. It’s as much of a “hands off” delivery process as you’ll find and is often a godsend for older individuals or those who find themselves limited physically when faced with the need to transport and assemble large furniture or household products.
Direct Express expedited delivery service allows Cymax Stores to match delivery time frames with [those of] local furniture stores and meets the needs for large items that the parcel carriers have filled for smaller items. Customer satisfaction is a key goal here at Cymax and the best in shipping and delivery options is very much a part of our aim to make your online shopping experience the best it can be.
Here’s to “expediting” molecular physics! Until then, Home Direct Expedited White Glove Delivery is one of the speediest means of receiving your purchases from Cymax Stores.
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