Thursday, January 8, 2009

Oh Baby!

Cymax Stores is pleased to announce the launching of, sure to be to be welcome with new parents who are realizing just what an expense home baby products can be. To be certain, however, it’s an expense that’s worth it many times over as the memories that will be created from this demanding yet wondrous time are sure to last a lifetime.

The best of these are often comical in nature where the little ones make Mom and Dad laugh at their endearing little follies. A significant number of America’s Funniest Home Videos weekly clips are often submissions from parents showcasing the hilarity of their young kids’ escapades.

Recently, a clip called “Angry face baby” was one of the most frequently viewed on Youtube and showed a young child alternating between normal facial expressions and a very funny “What you talkin’ bout Willis”-like stern visage almost on command. The clip had received nearly 5,000 viewings within a week of its being posted. The power of the internet indeed.

Such a medium was nowhere to be found some 30+ years ago when I was a similar age. However, my folks did have their 8mm reel recorder with them on a crisp fall day in the park. Dad was throwing bread crumbs to the ducks, and little me was enthralled with the creatures to the point where I had to get right on the edge of the pond to observe the wonder of it all. Now, there wasn’t much water in this pond, and it was thick with duck guano and other unpleasant matter. As the tape rolled in Mom’s hands, she shouted in vain to my father as I teetered for good few seconds before toppling headfirst into the mire.

Despite the humor in it all and the fact I was suitably upset, my parents still go on about the stench that emanated from me once I was fished out of the filth. They decided they had no choice but to put me in the back of our Volvo station wagon on the way home, traumatically cordoned off from Ma and Pa by the pet gate between the trunk and rear seat that typically kept our Border Collie’s muddy paws off the upholstery. Mom still remembers how I howled from back there.

I’m sure the car seat I was denied that day would pale in comparison to any of the Safety 1st Infant Car Seats available at Cymax Baby. What’s more, these car seats feature removable and washable padding – something that might have saved me from trunk banishment although I’m sure it was as much for my folks to be as far away from lil’ stinky as possible. It’s likely I could have been more pacified upon returning home with a Fun Time Froggy Tub for the lengthy clean-up process.

Perhaps if I could have observed the feeding from the safe confines of a comfortable, well-made and, more importantly, RESTRAINING Cosco Stroller the entire fiasco could have been avoided. However, one of my parents’ favorite video moments would never have happened (since been converted to DVD for permanent posterity).

A Disney Baby Serve n’ Store Ambrosia High Chair would have been appreciated by the folks as well. Keep all those cleaning materials close at hand for the kid who preferred to use to thump (surprisingly coordinated however and also on the DVD) on his tray rather than eat from it.

Every youngster is sure to provide most cherished memories for parents, the joys of which counter the sleepless nights and trying moments these adorable dependents will also inevitably bring day in and out. To make both go a little more smoothly, give yourself the best in baby products with Cymax Baby.

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