So as much as I’m not one for blanket statements, I have to admit that I am in fact that guy. Strangely, the fact that I can impress my wife with my automotive wherewithal or unequaled parallel parking proficiency means I cannot admit when I don’t know the direction in which I should steer my impeccably maintained and operated vehicle. Fortunately, when I recently came to this realization she wasn’t with me to give me the chastising I surely deserved. (Won’t go into details but let’s just say when you see the same girl’s soccer team both enter and exit the same Pizza Hut you’ve been going around the neighborhood for quite a while..)
So now that I appear to be over this testosterone-fueled manifestation of foolish pride, I’ve decided I can afford a GPS system for my car. (global positioning system for the acronym challenged out there) There are a wide variety of GPS navigation systems at MoreGPSSystems.com, another one of Cymax Solutions’ online stores and, so far it would seem, the best place to acquaint myself with gps tracking technology. I admittedly had thought of acquiring one before the aforementioned run-around, but assumed that GPS technology would carry a price tag too hefty for me. I was pleasantly surprised to see moregpssystems.com offers a number of discount Garmin GPS systems.
What’s more, during the course of my online perusal, I learned of handheld GPS technology and might recommend one of these handheld gps units to my aunt as a birthday gift for my uncle. He has a tendency to “get back to nature” with a little too much zeal if you get my drift. I’m sure she’d agree the value of her piece of mind knowing a portable gps is in his hands is one you couldn’t put a price on.
While on the subject of driving, I prefer a manual transmission and the more thorough driving experience it provides. I drive a 5-speed and always will. Accordingly, I don’t have the free hand to safely take a phone call when I’m on the road and I’m considering purchasing a headset so I can in fact take the “what’s taking you so long, are you lost?” call. (see above)
Cymax and their HeadsetSelect.com store stock a considerable array of wireless headsets, jawbone headsets and increasingly popular Bluetooth headsets that feature crystal-clear voice clarity. Further, while sifting through their wealth of products, I began to consider upgrading my stereo headphones – the value and use of which have increased significantly since I moved into an apartment building and my neighbours don’t share my love of Audioslave at a sufficiently gratifying volume.
Headsetselect.com features Bose headphones, Sony headphones, Koss headphones and Sennheiser headphones, all renowned for exceptional sound quality. Now that I think of it, my mp3 player headphones are looking a little worse for wear as well, and I could pick up a nice pair of ipod headphones or earphones here as well. A couple of wireless stereo headphones might be nice as well, especially considering the cord of my current pair always seem to get tangled up in my left arm when I’m playing 16th to 32nd note patterns on the high-hat of my practice kit.
Get where I’m going with minimal fuss, take calls and still operate my superior vehicle with maximum efficiency, and arrive home earlier with more time to enjoy good loud music. Very appealing the more I think about it!
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