Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A to Z

As another year passes into the books for our country and our southern neighbor readies to do so in two days time, Cymax would like to remind federal and less-swamped bookkeepers alike of the peace of mind afforded by keeping records in an orderly and equally stylish manner.

Surely filing is one office capacity where the suit-n-tie guy can envy the suburban rental shop clerk. Must be nice to give it little more thought than impaling way-bills on a paper skewer before rubber banding a lengths’ worth and dropping the stack randomly into a nearby drawer. For most, the need for a legitimate paper trail means a specific fixture must be within short reach of the desk, and the days of the grey-metal box file’s uniformity have long since past.

Even as recently as my teenage years, when I thought of a large office I had a conception something along the lines of the drab stretches of the Washington Post Office in All the President’s Men; an endless horizon of copycat cubicles, monstrous typewriters and the odd furnace-sized computer mainframe. Out of the public school fishbowl and into the real world, I naturally realized modern offices aren’t nearly as wholly sterile.

So now whether you’re as much a vanguard as Woodward or Bernstein or a more humble corporate peon, there is every reason to expand your filing capacities at the office without ever leaving it by means of online shopping at With over 500 filing storage products, you’re nearly assured of finding a way to make the token daily bend-over-and-pull a little more pleasing.

A Bush Lateral File might be a well-received choice, combining more sleek and modern design with a variety of hardwood cabinets, charismatic design themes and notably competitive pricing. Kathy Ireland Lateral File Cabinets possess the same visual-character appeal as a means of furthering the warmth and personality of the space in which you likely spend a large portion of the week. For the price, a Bestar Pedestal file can’t be beat and the versatility to vertically mount the unit may expand its practical and value appeal. A HON Lateral File is a safe bet for those who are looking to fall somewhere in between the aforementioned 1976 reference and something more modern, with hybrid takes on filing cabinets incorporating that simple practicality with subtle design facelifts.

Happy 141st Canada and similar birthday wishes to our American friends as their Independence Day approaches.


my blog said...

My uncle's office look so horrible . I need to take care of it. Office shouldnt be messy , otherwise negativity prevails.

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Furniture Blog said...

You should tell your uncle to shop at Cymax Stores! Then his office wont look as messy!