Friday, July 4, 2008

New Puppy...New Furniture?

About six months ago a friend of mine got a new puppy. My husband and I went to visit them not long after. The men took off and went to do what ever it is that men do. Gail and I went to sit in the living room and visit. The cute little puppy 'Brownie' followed us in. While sitting there I noticed that her coffee table had what looked like gnaw marks on it. The next thing I knew, there was Brownie chewing on the table like it was her very own chew toy. Gail told her to stop and found her bone.

Gail told me that getting Brownie to stop chewing on all of the wood furniture was driving her crazy. I suggested that she look into getting some metal furniture. When Gail looked at me funny I assured her that I was very serious. Metal furniture has come a long way. I asked her if she had ever looked at the Cymax website for furniture. She shook her head no. We went over to the computer and pulled up the Cymax web site.

I showed her that all she had to do was type in coffee table and she would get a nice choice to scroll through. She really liked the Bass Theatrical Collage Coffee Table. Even more so when she noticed the matching end tables. I pointed out that they looked pretty puppy proof to me. We continued going through the web site, chatting and laughing the whole time while we decorated our own and all of our friend's homes. When our husbands came back they thought we had lost our minds. They couldn't see what was so funny about a furniture web site.

My husband and I said good night and went home. Gail phoned me a few days later. John (her husband) hadn't really liked the Theatrical Collage Coffee Table. They went back to the web site and found furniture for the living room that they both could agree on.

A month later my husband and I went over to visit with Gail and John. Gail had told me that they redid the entire living room. I couldn't believe how great it looked. They bought the Diamond Sofa Paramount Leather Sofas in Beige and the Bass Real Art Table in Champagne Chrome. It made their living room look wonderful. Of course, now Gail wants to redo the rest of the house. When we were on our way home,my husband told me that I couldn't get a puppy because we could not afford all new furniture just now.


my blog said...

well , still i am not sure , whether my credit card info will remain same , if i shop online?

leather furniture

Furniture Blog said...

Hi Ankur,

Cymax Stores takes the utmost care when it comes to customer confidentiality, and hence can guarantee their safety.