Never mind last minute packing; how about last minute luggage? During my previous trip to my home town this past Christmas, the luggage that greeted me at the carousel bore little resemblance to the
luggage I started my journey with. Suitcase No. 1 sported a jagged split down one of its fronts while Suitcase No. 2's zipper gaped open where the handle had come away from the leather. I can't even in clear conscience blame air travel in general and baggage handlers in particular. I am a procrastinator and in all truthfulness, my luggage has needed to be replaced for awhile.

Now just under a year later, I am still victim of my own procrastination. I went to fetch my suitcases only to be reminded that I don't have any. But there's a silver lining; how to put this nicely? My old luggage was...well old. My suitcases were semi-soft sided and had wheels. But they didn't have retractable handles and while they could be wheeled through a busy holiday-time airport, I had to twist myself pretzel-like to do so. This apparent disaster presented the perfect opportunity to upgrade to
upright luggage that looked like it belonged in the twenty-first century.
While it is fun in a desperate sort of way to sit on your suitcase in order to get it to close, expandable luggage is much more stylish and convenient to use. My new upright luggage set includes two suitcases of different sizes, a beauty case and a shoulder bag/carry-on with an adjustable strap. The retractable handles work like a dream and the wheels are so quiet I almost forget that my suitcases have wheels. In addition to having the confidence that my possessions are safely locked away and fully protected, the bonus to owning a new luggage set is knowing I don't have to roll it alongside of me twisted like a pretzel.
- E.L.
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