Wednesday, January 9, 2008

At Least Furniture Won't Pee on Your Rug

We humanoids have an important relationship with the animal kingdom. Pets have been a vital part of all cultures since prehistoric times, when Larry King kept trilobites for companionship as he shambled the lonely Paleozoic wilds. These days, many people feel their home is not complete without a pet -- trilobite or not.

But what if you can't have a pet? Maybe your significant other is allergic to cats. Maybe your landlord has a no-animals policy. Maybe you have an unreasonable phobia of dogs thanks to an Incident long ago. In any case, you long to hear the pitter-pat of little claws on the floor, but it's not an option. Well, Cymax is here to help you do the right thing: compensate by buying furniture.

Alternately, if you do have a pet, perhaps you’d like to find a piece of furniture to match. Why would you want to do this? For the same reason you dress your dog in little sweaters and take him to the spa to get his fur did, clearly. Either way, with a special focus on man’s best friend (the dog, not the awful Lance Henriksen film), our devoted team brings you the most pet-like furniture items you can buy.

Note the similarities:

And there you have it: a pet to match your furniture, or furniture to match your pet. Half of style is coordination, after all.

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