Monday, January 14, 2008

The Massage is the Medium

When you stagger home from your eight hours of daily toil, sometimes you just need to relax, watch some Matlock, and enjoy a soothing massage from your loved one. Is there any better way to relieve the stress of punching in numbers, attending boring meetings, and chatting about god knows what with the office idiot? Maybe there is, but it probably isn't legal.

So you get home, throw your briefcase and pants on the floor, flick on the television and crack open that cold forty of Steel Reserve. Step one complete. Then step two comes along: asking for that massage.

But what's this? Your significant other isn't in the mood?

Well, what else is new? You've been barking up that tree for months and even now, the most massage action you can get is from that fancy shower head you bought. So you've given up hope, and in your darkest hour, you do what all hopeless people do: Go online.

Somehow, you come across Cymax Stores, and all of a sudden, your hopes and dreams revive like zombies, hungry for the delicious fleshy meats of savings. You see that Cymax has a site, Massage Chair Select which carries plenty of massage chairs to choose from, such as Human Touch iJoy Massage Chairs, Panasonic Massage Chairs, and more. On top of that, they offer free shipping too.

What more could you want? A live-in masseuse? Sure thing, Dr. Moneybags. For the rest of us, a comfy massage chair is the perfect replacement for human contact. Let a Cymax chair massage your body... and Matlock will massage your soul.

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